Thanks once again to our host, Larry D. at Acts of the Apostasy.

This week I learned that someone was in awe of me. I advised her to seek counseling.
Not actually. I did tell her she has a vivid imagination. That explanation makes it a reasonable mistake – imagine you knew me only on the internet, and furthermore had seen pictures of my home when it wasn’t that terribly terribly out of control — it could happen. You’d be deluded. But an honest mistake.
I saw the most amazing floors this weekend. Clean. You’re chuckling now, thinking you’ve seen such a thing before. No. Quite possibly you have not. I hadn’t. These were VERY VERY clean floors. They shined. They were smooth underfoot. No tiny grains of sand (of course we removed our shoes at the door). No coarse edges. No lint. No crayons. Clean. And my daughter who babysits for this family reports these floors are always this clean. Always.
Now to my knowledge, this family has no cleaning help. They do have a new baby, a preschool boy of the usual energy level of preschool boys, and a homeschooled rising kindergartner. Yes, this family does crafts. Yes, this family eats dinner. Yes, the children are home all day. And no, the mom is not a powerhouse of non-stop energy. She is just a very, very, clean person.
This is what she loves. I think she spends as many minutes cleaning as I spend writing, and as many minutes decluttering as I spend reading, and those two facts explain her home, my home, and our respective literary outputs.
Other than that, we’re both normal people.
Now if you have spent an evening in one of these homes, it is truly a marvel. It was relaxed and comfortable — the furniture was simple and unpretentious, the food was home-cooking, the children chased each other in loops through the kitchen, changed into 70 different dress-up outfits (actually just three, rotated), and there was the rhythmic thud of a boy jumping off his toddler slide onto a pile of cushions into what would have been the dining room, if these were the sort of people who were interested in impressing rather than welcoming.
Instead it was just luxurious. So clean. So peaceful (to someone used to preschoolers). Plus: Jello-Whip Cream Salad, green. And I did marvel. Wow. God made a person who loves cleaning this much. It is truly a work of art. A gift to the world, however small and humble.
But because I’ve known Mrs. E all these years, I wasn’t intimidated. She’s a normal person who happens to have this one gift.
So that was great, and now I remind myself when I’m intimidated by someone, that it’s because I’m only seeing some small side, and not the whole picture. And when I’m unimpressed by someone — same story. You know there’s another side that tells much more. Just have to dig for it.
Chickens. Just two. Strictly as pets.
Pets you can eat.
Well that’s all for today. Tuesday is Link Day for all topics, help yourself if you are so inclined. Post as many as you want, but only one per comment or the spam dragon will eat you up and I’ll never even know. Have a great week!
1. Inquiring minds want to know why she was in awe.
2. If it’s too clean the kids won’t develop any resistance. Some people call too clean poison clean.
3.5 If we were Korean I could say the same.
1. I really can’t be sure.
2. We’ll hope for the best. Sand-free floors really are luxurious.
3.5 If you were Korean you’d be getting two chickens in mid-July?
3.5 The armory where I used to do go for Nat’l Guard drill had chickens out back. Not the armory itself but whoever lived directly behind it. I was like hmmm very, umm.. “country” …but then I remembered that USC’s mascot is a chicken. Male chicken.
But when I was younger (when I lived in MN) we used to get 100 baby chicks in the Spring. By fall they were anywhere from 70-90 left after death, disease and predators got to ’em. We never saw them as pets because they are like the most stupid animal but we did welcome them in our freezer dedicated for frozen meat. Cows and pigs were a little different. Some say cows are dumb but they are given a bad rap for some reason. And with that I leave you with a hillarious meme…
Then there are other versions with this pic but the above was the first one I saw.
Not safe for some audiences:
If we had a 100 chicks, some neighbor would definitely decide they weren’t pets. But two is more our speed anyhow. Jon has a colleague who is raising them to big-size for us, though I think next time we might get some chicks ourselves. The girls fell in love with chicks at the feed store the other week.
My pets were food. Well, my wife & kids’ pets.
Here’s my link for this week: a horror film called “Mrs Doubtfire”
Looks scary!!!
Hahahaha! I always love the horror story re-makes.
Hehe. I need to send this to my friend who does Family Ministry stuff using scenes from the film.