Thanks once again to our host Larry D. at Acts of the Apostasy. It was time for a new theme picture, and I thought it should fit the reality of Larry’s attempts at Internet Conquest:

St. Barbara:
This is a close-up of my friend Sandra’s Icon of St. Barbara that she painted for a fundraising auction. You can see the whole thing at her art page. FYI, this is a pic of the almost-completed icon, I think she still had some details to work on when this was shot.
By the same artist:
And something completely different:
The tulips he bought because he loves me. The photo he took because he needed it for his presentation this Friday.
It was because a certain child threatened a sibling with, “I’m going to put a bag full of dirt in a pillowcase in your bed for a pillow.”
Of course.
For the record: I am so grateful the threat was never fully carried out. After about 7pm, I don’t do drama. Just no. No.
Icon and manuscript copyright Sandra Lagnese, used with permission.
Jen – like my good friend Winston Churchill once told me: “Never give up! Never surrender!”
I think he also said that no one wins when you fight Girl Power, but that may have been somebody else…
Yes, I’m pretty sure it W.C. Or GKC. Or some married guy.
I’m famous now. 😀
I’m just always excited when normal people do cool stuff!
Do they know you don’t put up with drama after 7p.m.? Glad they didn’t do that afterall, about the sand in the pillowcase.
They seem to be slow learners.
You should make a shirt that says No Drama for this Mama.
Or not. Either way. Boys rule, girls drool.
I would like to point out what a magnanimous moderator I am, letting that last comment stand. Also how grateful I am to spell check for saving me from having to look up magnanimous in the dictionary.
About 30 years ago I visited the cave churches in Cappadocia, Turkey. The saint I remember most from that visit was St. Barbara. I’ve wondered since then if she, the patron saint of miners, had been particularly venerated by the men who dug out the churches.,_Turkey
That is a really cool.