6 thoughts on “Boys on the altar & the new mass translation

  1. Mine was grand-daughtered in under the old regime, where you could train to serve as soon as you had received your FHC. New pastor decided to make kids wait until 4th or 5th grade (I can’t remember which), which does cut down on the amount of wiggling. But we’re the business-casual parish all the way. I like it well enough, but it does look an awful lot like the lobby of an electronics firm.

    One of these years I guess someone will be sent over to smack us into shape, like one of those 70’s sports comedies. But our current pastor ROCKS on catechesis, so if he is patiently tolerating the flip-flops, he can be forgiven under the one-battle-at-a-time clause. Fitz family could never hack it at St. Mary’s Greenville. I think we’d be sent to reform school directly.

  2. Lady of the Hills. Where he rocks is in the pulpit. I’d been praying for good adult catechesis for years. Man shows up, teaches Sunday school right there in the homily, week after week. Clear, to the point, Catholic faith straight up, no distractions, no cute stories, just what we believe and what you need to do about it. I love that man.

    [Okay, in truth I love all the clergy who’ve darkened the doors of any parish in our diocese I’ve been in. I guess it’s a personal weakness, or a diocesan strength :-). But Fr. W. happens to be very good at that one particular thing. Not knock-you-dead eloquent, though he writes clearly and well, but just to-the-point Catholic. Love it.]

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