Just added the Baby Name Wizard to the links.   Which to my knowledge I do not need for nine months from anytime, but did need to check on a character name.  Pulls name data from the Social Security Administration, so you can find out, for example, whether anyone was naming their daughter “Erica” in 1914.  (They weren’t.  We went with Erna.)  Handy for historical fiction.

BTW for the new readers, I happily take link suggestions for anything that remotely fits with the theme of the blog, and if you read here, I’ll gladly link you.

Now off to go continue getting my rear whipped at the writer’s conference.  Aria’s finger is doing great, and now has two fewer paper clips stainless steel surgical pins than it did a week ago.  Yay!

2 thoughts on “

  1. Dear Jennifer,

    I am TERRIBLY sorry that I forgot to contact you regarding your friends who wished to move to Vancouver! Please forgive me! A combination of work responsibiities and baby-ish stuff completely swamped me, and I completely forgot until tonight.

    PLease tell your friends to feel free to call me at 360-256-8964, or email me at jdmcnichol@hotmail.com.

    Again, I apologize, and hope I can be of assistance- I knoew what it is like to have to relocate suddenly!

    God bless,

    John McNichol

  2. John,

    You’re golden — no worries and enjoy that baby!

    Just got an update on the move this week: Old house is sold, offer on new house is acccepted, and with luck they’ll be out your way about Easter or so. Your info was very helpful!

    So you just get back to writing, sir, with the satisfaction of a moving-assist well done. I have other godchildren who require all the chestertonian slime, explosions, and general mayhem you can muster.


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