7 Takes – Edited

1. What I’m doing this weekend instead of everything else, ever? Looking through my freshly-edited-by-my-editor manuscript (catechist book), and seeing what’s there.

2. First thought: It is helpful if you spell the names correctly on your acknowledgements page.  People will like that.  If you are like me, I advise you to only ask for help from people whose names are very easy to spell.  Or else you will have to have an embarrassing conversation with your publisher.

3. Thank goodness we are having this conversation now, and not after the thing is actually published.

4. Dorian Speed, not difficult to spell, is doing her annual tour of duty saving me from making very, very dumb mistakes.   What will it be next October?  I try not to think about it.

5. Before I descended into the pit of despair my annual DSpeed Humility Training Session, here was what I was thinking as I read through the manuscript, which I hadn’t looked at since the end of August:  Wow!  This is a really good book!  As in: I should read this more often!

6. Because, yeah, it’s basically a big long note-to-self.  All the things I forget to do, but am always glad if I do manage to remember them half the time.

7. I had something else completely unrelated to post about.  But I can’t remember what is.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you when I’m out from the tunnel.

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