Life is not wrong.
(Article in french. H/t to Wesley Smith.)

Okay these types of cases tick me off.  I’m about to become a nasty ranting machine.  Skip on to some other blog now.


The baby is born with birth defects.  The parents sue for ‘wrongful life’, on account how if the physician had properly informed them ahead of time, they would have killed the kid and been done with it.

Okay sure. So what is the remedy?  Do you just give the parents a .45 and show them a nice spot out back where they can shoot the kid?  Because that’s what they’re saying they missed out on.  Not real expensive.  One round and loaner weapon.  Slightly bigger hole to dig.

Yeah.  I’m being harsh.  You are suing because you *failed to kill your own child*.  Excuse me?

No.  No.  Not sane.

But what really really infuriates me about these cases are all the parents who accept their children just how they are, and get no help.  Lovely, isn’t it, how the people  who would rather their child were dead get a big court settlement, but nothing for the parents who actually want life and hope and good things for their baby.

It is evil.


And yes I read the original article.  The specific question being ruled on by the courts in this case was: Can the parents file a ‘wrongful life’ civil action on behalf of their child. You do the math.  Insanity.  Complete insanity.

2 thoughts on “Life is not wrong.

  1. “Complete insanity.”

    Indeed. But nothing shall stand in the way of indulging any & every sexual urge without any consequence whatsoever. Consequenceless sex is sacrosanct.

    Or something.

    1. I see I’m not the only ranting machine. :-).

      My thought was: this is a case of treating children like commodities — return to sender the ones with manufacturer’s defects.

      But that makes you right. We want only the ‘good’ consequences of sex. None of the hard stuff that is par for the course.

      Of life, really. And I’ve had otherwise good Christians tell me that they will only accept lives of a certain caliber. Too difficult a hardship, and they consider suicide entirely reasonable.

      Other end of the same rope.

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