Stars are aligning . . . though it’s no longer Friday, certainly not the 5th Friday, I’m alarmingly short of ire, and we’re overdue for a new link day. So time for a modest amount of site maintenance.
What we’ve got:
Happy Catholic. What it sounds like. I almost made a special category for readers’ blogs, to celebrate the arrival of a reader who was not already on the blogroll. But all the clever names I could come up with for the category would have put Happy Catholic too low on the list. And that wouldn’t do.
Secondhand Smoke. Your spot for bioethics issues
Reflections of a Paralytic. Another one that could go in multiple places. Running a lot of posts on the Theology of the Body right now.
XXX Church. Christian site (not a blog, I don’t think) with a ministry for those escaping porn. Users & workers both.
The IRS. ‘Tis the season. I use this every year. Much more helpful than you’d guess.
Enjoy your reading this week. For those interested in such things, my review of The Apostles comes out “Wednesday” (so to speak) on the homeschooling blog. Good news: The reading gets a lot easier once you get into the second half of the book.