I almost wasn’t going to post today, but the awesomenity of Larry D. at Acts of the Apostasy convinced me.

When someone makes you feel like crawling into a hole? It’s really nice to have other people for friends. Thank you, friendly people, for being out there.
We’ve guessed all summer that there was a hummingbird’s nest in our apple tree, because Mrs. Hummingbird has been especially aggressive about chasing off birds that get to close to her portion of the tree. The little guy has started coming out now, and here’s the funny bit: He sits down to drink.
<insert your item here>. We’re going to Chik-Fil-A.
Book department update: Good news, hopefully to be announced this time next week?
And with that, I’m back to regular life. I’ll keep y’all in my prayers, and I’m trying to work through my blogging backlog in addition to doing all the other stuff I need to do, so look for me to pop in with this or that, time permitting. Have a great week!
(And yes, you can post links. I am, by the way, reading comments. Oh, about once a week, but I am. And trying to reply as well.)
And here’s my link too: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvMvp7QbLUk&w=560&h=315%5D