I rarely blog about it, but a few readers know that I sometimes take on private writing or editing projects. Most recently I got to work with Sean O’Halloran from SO’ Creative on a film project for a small parish group. We were both working pro-bono — he did the filming, I was the primary author on the script.
Lesson learned: This is a guy you want on your short list.
He doesn’t monkey around. Even though he was working purely as a volunteer on this one, he was 100% professional. I’m not sure Sean even knows how to do something halfway.
He’s good at bringing your idea to life. Sean took everything the group brought to the project, and then he worked with the team to help them achieve their goals.
Some examples of how perfectly he did this:
- I had a basic script, but no clue how to turn that into a screenplay — so Sean took my draft and converted it into a set of working documents that could be used on the set.
- The parish group had a good director on the project, Carol Pelster from Catholic Playscripts; Sean had no trouble working with her on the set, understanding the vision she had for the film and what sorts of extra shots to propose to capture that vision.
- As the group was filming, when the actors would improvise bits of characterization, Sean knew how to direct the all-amateur cast so that their ideas read well on film.
It never ever felt like The Professionals Have Arrived, Get Out Of The Way. The entire process was more like, “We know what we want, but how do we get there?” and Sean helped the group get there.
You won’t meet more gracious people. I run in some of the same circles as the O’Hallorans, and I’m continually impressed by how down-to-the-bones courteous this family is. When I go to an O’Halloran event, I’m in awe at how seriously Sean and his wife Tracy take their work of hospitality. On the film set, Sean was disciplined and professional, but always completely calm, patient, and polite.
Sean donated an enormous amount of time to this parish project, and when I spoke to his wife about how the group could thank him, she said, “As many referrals you can send his way as possible!”
To see if the kind of work you need is the kind that he does, scroll down on the SO’ Creative website and click through on each project-type to view the corresponding portfolio. Edited to add: You can also view some of Sean’s graphic design work at the SO’ Creative Facebook page. Tracy gave me her quick list of the kinds of projects he does most:
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Editing
- Retouching
- Sound Design
- Videography/Cinematography/Director/Producer
Sean takes on projects of all kinds. In addition, Catholic readers should know that the O’Hallorans are faithful, committed Catholics — so if you are working on a project that involves the faith, Sean is in a position to make sure your message comes across clearly and accurately. Give him a look, and please recommend him to your friends. Thanks!

Photo by Snyder, Frank R.Flickr: Miami U. Libraries – Digital Collections [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons