
There’s a blog in my head that is chock full of posts.  A few of them will soon escape into the internet. 

Working on a booklet for catechists, and have gotten some good feedback and helpful edits from my beta-readers.  I would like to point out that if you ever write something really stupid, Dorian Speed has your back.  THANK YOU DORIAN.  Also got my first back-cover blurb quote, from Sarah Reinhard:  “I NEED this book.” Heartening, very heartening.


This week on the calendar:

School.  It’s going well.  Yay!

First Night of CCD. This Wednesday.  Wrote up class plans today.  Need to get the classroom set up and materials in order.  Stoked about my new helper / co-catechist, think it’s going to be a good match for the class.

Edits.  Turning booklet from a 2nd draft into a 3rd draft, with help from some kind readers.  Hope to have that done by the end of the week, and ready to send to the next set of readers.

Theology of the Body for Teens book review.  Am plugging through that, really liking what I see.  Top notch so far.  My DRE is being very patient with me as I take forever to finish reading and previewing; I think mostly because buying it herself is not in the budget, so she’s scrambling to see what other parish wants to lend us materials.  Thank you Catholic Company for helping keep the budget under control.

Ever heard of Dan Castell? He’s making us laugh.  Mr. Boy is happily plowing through a draft manuscript as a beta-reader, and not just because I’ll excuse him from a week of National Catholic Reader assignments.   Dr. Boli fans should watch this space.  Some day I don’t know when, a finished work will emerge from Dan’s writing cave.  Good stuff.  Real gift for repartee.

And then all the usual stuff like cooking and cleaning and driving children places and gee, wow, laundry.  I think maybe changing clothes is overrated.

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