Love you cannot feel.


SuperHusband was out of town the other night, so about nine o’clock he phoned. When he is home, at nine we put everything away, and then talk to each other until ten. It takes about half an hour of steady effort for a conversation to really get going, but most nights it is hard to go to bed at ten, because we are enjoying each other’s company.

The phone is not this way. We each give a quick summary of our day, discuss any topics that require spousal input, and then that’s it. Like a business call. Only with two tired people who already did enough business that day.

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you,” I say.

And then we hang up.

And I thought to myself as I put down the phone, “Really? Do we love each other?”

We say it automatically. Maybe when he said it to me, he was feeling all warm and fond and grateful inside. Doubtful. But possible. I was feeling tired and distant and still a trace irritable from my lousy mood the day before.

 It is like water, the answer came immediately. Like warm water.

When you stick your hand in warm water, you notice it. Before, cold. After, warm. Ahh, you say. So nice.

After a while, you don’t feel it any more. The water is still warm, but now so are you. If you were to pull yourself out, you would suddenly feel very cold. But while you are in, you don’t notice the warm. You don’t notice anything. It’s just where your hand is.

To be swimming in love. Love so reliable, so steady, you can’t even feel it anymore. Happy.

4 thoughts on “Love you cannot feel.

  1. I think it’s remarkable that you and your husband talk for an hour every night. Of course you love each other! Doesn’t matter if you are not aware of your feelings at every given moment. My husband and I love each other too, but we watch TV together. If we didn’t have one, we would probably talk. I know a lot of Catholic couples who don’t own a TV, and I admire them.

  2. We own one, we just don’t have the patience for it. The kids watch it some. I prefer to goof off by reading. As it happens, though, the only reason I ended up married to this guy was that we really liked talking to each other. So I guess it follows that we’d still be that way.

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