Something I like about our parish school is that every week the students bring home a folder of all their graded work, so we parents can see how they are doing. We sign off on the papers and send them back to school, so the teachers know we’re in the loop. Here’s my 6th grader’s latest religion test, on the theological and cardinal virtues:
You’ll notice the teacher marked #8 incorrect. The instructions are to match the cardinal virtue to the statement, and #8 is “The virtue that enables people to give respect and obedience to their parents.” The cardinal virtues are prudence (wisdom), justice, temperance (self-control), and fortitude.
Obeying your parents is exactly the kind of thing thrown out as a classic example of the virtue of justice. I use it myself all the time. If I were taking the test, that’s the virtue I would have picked from the list. So the teacher isn’t exactly wrong here in saying “justice” is the correct answer.
The difficulty is that this is my child’s test. And I assure you, my kid is absolutely right. If I had to put up with me, I’d need fortitude for sure.