Underrated Media

Julie D. at Happy Catholic reminds us to promote catholic media today.  I’m lousy at these coordinated things — such an excess of self-discipline and order required.  My thought one week ago, as I lay in bed calculating the hours until midnightIt’s not necessarily that I am a slave to my passions.  Sometimes I’m just a very reliable servant.

But often, yes, slave.

Rather than be organized, then, I’m going to just give you a few of my top favorite underrated blogs.   My list of well-known favorite catholic sites is in the sidebar.

Brandon at Siris is not only much smarter than me, he is also the true boy scout of internet-philosophers.  Here is where he answers my question about Intentio.

John McNichol barely blogs, but that’s because he is actually writing books.  Which I guess makes him “old media”, but gee, who else out there is taking care of catholic boys in need of more action/adventure novels? Do you really want your son glued to some blog, when he could be reading chestertonian steampunk instead?

Christian LeBlanc explains the catholic faith to sixth graders, which I suppose makes him too smart for the internet, too. But since most of us internet Catholics really need a proper sixth-grade religious education still, he posts his lessons on his site, and also links them to Sunday Snippets.

And my last under-rated catholic blog to promote today is my friend John Hathaway’s.  If St. Therese of Lisieux were a married American catholic man with Asperger’s and Marfan syndrome, who really dreamed of being a missionary priest to Haiti but instead was homeschooling his four kids, teaching college English, and doing all things lay-carmelite, that would be John.  You begin to see why I like the guy.  (And his wife, but she is too sensible and too busy to blog.)


Speaking of underrated means and methods, here’s this bit of reflection is from a non-catholic blog, written by an evangelical missionary in Haiti, whose husband has been in prison for 5 months now.  Could just as easily be the wife of St. Thomas More writing here:

What? Huh?  Glory in suffering?  But you know what, it’s true.  One thing I’ve noticed is when you are suffering God doesn’t usually take the problem away immediately.  He’s not a magic wand to take away all your troubles.  You suffer and you suffer more when you are a Christian.  I have suffered so much in the past 5 months.  However I have noticed that thru my suffering I have changed, how I react has changed, and how I communicate has changed.

Read the whole thing here.


Catholic Media Promotion Day facebook page is here.  You can make your list on your blog and then post the link on their wall, or just recommend some links directly on the wall.

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