2 thoughts on “Wanted: Reliable Publisher of Fabulous Catholic Boy Books

  1. 🙂 Thank you, Jennifer. Keep Sophia in your prayers. They’ve opened the door to a lot of great Catholic fiction, and the Catholic literary world is much the better for the leap Sophia’s taken.

  2. We pulled into the parking lot of our local catholic bookstore last week. First thing my boy asks: Will they have the new Tripods book?

    I tried to explain about full time job, large family, takes a while to write these things, publisher needs time, etc etc. He seems to think you should write faster. :-). Where is our insta-genius book writing machine when we need one?

    And yes, I agree re: Sophia. They have published a lot of excellent titles, fiction & otherwise. Fills a real need. I was very happy to see them growing the fiction line.

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