Why I’m Catholic, abridged version

Over at the borg, we’ve been instructed to explain why the borg is best why we believe as we do. After much deleting to get it nearly inside the 200-word limit, I posted mine at the Happy Catholic Bookshelf.

We’ll do the even more abridged version here: Because it’s true. 

And with that, I wish you a lovely Triduum, and I’m going to slowly unplug and start getting ready for a few days of peaceful silence family time observing the holy days.

2 thoughts on “Why I’m Catholic, abridged version

  1. I’ve discovered your post on Bread Upon the Water. Thank you so much. I’m overwhelmed, but delighted you liked it for all the same reasons I enjoyed writing it. It has received the Seal of Approval and was accepted for the first year of nonfiction for the Calla. I’m disappointed to learn it was the only nonfiction entry, so there is no award given. But, your review affirms the book!! Thank you so very much. I gratefully appreciate your words.

    1. Deanna, I’m sorry it didn’t get an award either — very deserving. Remind me to post a post-SOA snippet review at CWG this spring. I can’t believe the next conference is already coming up around the corner.

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