Made a section in the sidebar for Haiti blogs, including a few extras I didn’t have on my list the other day. The Pye’s write about their work distributing emergency food aid:

We talked with World Food Program and they said we could use their food if each pastor wrote their name, their church, a phone number, and each person’s name that would receive the food. So we did and we were given hundreds of list; from 14 people to 2,000 people on them. Saturday we started calling pastors. We would get a pile of food together that would feed the number of people on their list. They would come in a vehicle and pick it up. On Saturday we were able to give to 20 pastors food and water for the needy in their congregations.

I think this is a good response to the WSJ op-ed the other day questioning the role of foreign aid.  Using the Pyes as a distribution-point, World Food Bank is getting food into the hands of specific individuals.  There is a mechanism in place for accountability and transparency.  (On the topic of corruption and graft, see Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s  WSJ column today.  Chilling.)


On another note, I signed up for the Coalition for Clarity.  I’m not usually the joining type, but I make an exception for this worthy cause.  Because you know, torturing people is just plain wrong.  FYI, you don’t need to be catholic to join.   Just as you don’t need to be catholic to know that torture is evil.

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