Larry D. reminds us that it might be time to freshen up our prayers for the vexing illness. If you’re ready to move on to Novena #3, join us in praying for the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Why yes, I did pick it because, you know, heart cath, Immaculate Heart . . . Catholics are punny that way. Also, because, for various reasons that aren’t really anyone’s business, we’re sticking with the Blessed Mother on this. And look, today is the First Saturday! Coincidence? I think not.
The rules: As always, no scrupling. You can pick your favorite devotion to the Immaculate Heart, or you can do the Very Little Way variation, and just offer up your own vexation on behalf of your prayer intention.
Thank you everyone, and yes, I’m praying for your intentions through all this, so please feel free to post them in the combox.*
*Note: What I tend to do is link a particular nuisance to a particular intention. So for example, ever since my first pregnancy, vomiting is forever linked to a prayer for those struggling with infertility and/or chemotherapy. Which means that by posting your intention you run the risk that I’ll be remembering you every time something particularly weird or gross happens. But seriously, be not afraid. There are worse things. At least I’m remembering you, right?
Love this Jennifer! Have you heard of the green scapular? It’s got an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on it and is powerfully linked to healing and conversion. Praying for you! Can you please pray for my three brothers? thanks!
I have heard of the green scapular. And I will most definitely pray for your brothers!
My daughters.
You got it, Christian.
Starting tonight (been behind the times given that I’ve been involved with my father’s funeral)…
Intentions? 1 super duper special one. Thanks.
Thank you!! There’s extra cushion in the schedule this round, so you’re good. And plus you get funeral leave, of course.
Praying for your #1. (And continuing on repose of soul and consolation for bereaved.)