So the truth is, the number 1 thing I’m going to steal from Christian LeBlanc’s religious-ed snapshots is the line “Stop guessing like monkeys and think!” But there’s good info, too, about you know, the bible and saints and religion and stuff. Plus how to use the gross-out factor to keep your 6th graders captivated. Did I say that out loud? What I meant was, how to use Q&A within a lecture format, to help the kids pay attention and think through the material, and cover lots of details without everyone getting lost.
(I would never, ever, pick a saint to cover in class just because she was depicted with her eyeballs on a platter. That would only be a coincidence. Since her feast day came round. Then, you know, it would be practically an obligation. If I were teaching a room full of 12-year-old boys.)
…for those who like Catholic superheroes:
…The book really is ‘Batman” themed. I could go on all day, but suffice to say I’ve never found a secular comic book with Catholic themes stated more accurately or effectively.
Really? Is that a real book? “Confession” and “Altar Boy”?