Take a look: http://thecrescat.blogspot.com/2009/04/and-nominees-are.html
I’m there under “Best Under Appreciated Catholic Blog”.
I think there must be voting soon (nominations end May 1). You could vote for me. Which would be a way of find out, not whether I was the *best* under appreciated catholic blog, but more likely, whether I am the least-appreciated under-appreciated blog. I think I have a better chance of winning that distinction.
Meanwhile I will have to cancel all plans to clean house and educate my children, so that I can write lots of articles for voters to appreciate. Or not.
(PS: I’m so excited. If the person who nominated me would kindly speak up, I’ll thank you in person. Gosh, I might have to create a whole new link category: People Who Nominate Me for Blog Awards. That would be fun. Mighty fun. UPDATE: Thank you Julie D. This is twice now I owe you your own link category. And I see that you have more blogs than I knew. Wow. Putting the thinking cap on to come up with a good category title . . .)
You are very welcome. 🙂
I never thought about this until now but shouldn’t the winner of the Under Appreciated Blog be the one with the LEAST votes? 😀
Ooh, in that case there’d be hope for me :-).