I am largely persuaded that indoor plumbing is Wonderful Thing. However I noticed today one of the side-effects: the demise of outdoor plumbing.
I, being one of those old-fashioned mothers, send my children out to play. As in “go outside and stay outside”. I use often use this playtime to do activities better done without loud, slovenly, inquisitive bystanders. (There’s me of course, loud, slovenly & inquisitive; but I haven’t figured out how to, say, pay the bills with *me playing outside* too.)
It is my understanding that mothers have operated this way for millenia. And I do not envy my forbears in their rustic simplicity. Just don’t. But, I’ve noticed a modern bladder problem. Children who can hold it for twelve hours straight suddenly need to visit the facilities every ten minutes if There Is A Parent Inside.
And then I realize: Hmmn. Outdoor plumbing. It had it’s uses.
And next I think: What did people do before wasp spray? If anyone knows, do tell. I’m curious. Because wasps seem like they would really love a good latrine. And my rule is that any place I am exposing my flesh is not a place a wish to share my little wasp friends. So I’m wondering how people used to address that inevitable clash with the stinging-set over who gets to use the facilities.
My kids seem to play AT the door, you know how that goes? They’re technically outside, but they’re talking through the screen, etc. And then I shoo them away, just as I’d shoo away that wasp.
LOL. What did parents do before screens & dutch doors??