From a baptist missionary family that has come to love Advent, and is now digging into Lent:
We decided to give the “Lent” thing a whirl. We were the first to admit that like Christmas, Easter would sort of land on us. We’d walk into church, our hearts unprepared, and then try and take in within one church service the complexities and rich beauty of the cross and the resurrection. Impossible. We left kind of numb. Perhaps a tad-bit moved. But mostly overwhelmed and feeling a little let down. Just as celebrating Advent completely changed Christmas for us, taking the weeks prior to Easter to really savor the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection has been life changing. The gospel. God’s great love for this world. Our sin. Redemption. Salvation. This undeserved gift. What medicine for the soul.
The more the Lent the more the Easter. You can read the whole thing here. As they point out (repeating one of my favorite priests), it’s not too late to have a great Lent.