Have a mission for you today:

Good morning, it is Thursday, and with any luck something sorta bad will happen to you.

Not really bad, I hope.  But just some generic rudeness, minor aches and pains, maybe some annoying bureaucratic snafu.  I hope this because I need to borrow it, on behalf of this baby:


Go ahead, start offering up.  Thank you.

[PS: As an alternate route: Have a perfect perfect perfect day, and use a little bit of your resulting leisure to pray for baby Joanna.  That’d do just as well.  Or have an average, uneventful day, and direct some of your default prayers her way.  That’s good too.  I’ll take ’em anyway I can get ’em.]

–> Please note: the ‘donate’ button on the caringbridge site does NOT cause any financial assistance for the families who set up sites there.  Just pray.  No money.  Just pray.

I am totally ready to beg for funds on behalf of the Scheidels, perhaps to be sent through their parish, but at this time there is nothing set up for that.  Which is fine, because although Jackie and Jason would be perfectly happy to eat and have a house, the only thing they really want is for their baby girl to live.

So please pray for that today.

Thank you.


PS: In the event you happen to have said a prayer for the missionary family I quoted Tuesday, FYI Danny Pye is out of jail.  Yay.

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