My awesome niece & goddaughter just started college, and the other day she phoned me. “Do you have an hour or two? I need to get your opinions on higher education for this paper I’m writing.”
I’m pleased to tell you I kept my comments to 59 minutes, a record for me. She e-mailed me some follow-up and some get-the-quote-right questions, and that’s on my to-do list for today.
If you’d like to answer some or all of them at your place, I know she’d be interested in your answers. Leave the link in my combox and I’ll direct her to take a look. Or just answer in the combox here, if you aren’t a blogger yourself.
1. What is your opinion of the value of college in today’s society?
2. Do you believe in the theory that everyone should have a college education?
3. According to Louis Menand, author of “Live and Learn”, there are three theories of why people attend college. The first theory is that college is an intelligent test meaning people go to college to prove they are smart. The second theory people go to college is for the social benefits since college should theoretically be getting people ready to enter society. The third theory is that college is job training. How does this align with you own theory of the purpose of college? Do you believe in these some values?
4. Growing up was your value of a college education influenced in any way? If so was it family? Teachers? Or some other form?
5. In recent years the availability of a college education has changed and become more accessible to more people. For example there are online Universities, certain states offer scholarships to many high school graduates, and there is government funding to minorities. Do you agree or disagree with this?
6. What will you teach your own kids about the value of a college education? What influences this?
Since she had 6 questions and our theme is 7 takes, how about you add a 7th: What else would you like to say? FYI for those who haven’t heard, Erin at Bearing Blog has a whole series on this topic.
Thanks to our hostess, the always-inquisitive Jen Fulwiler. Pray for Allie Hathaway, then visit Jen’s site, Scorpions Are Us to see more quick takes.