UPDATE: In the combox, Larry L. explains the mysteries of military rules that civilians tend to miss. This story explains it well:
Reference on uniforms and the idea of changing clothes…. True story and a friendlier than most of my military stories…. During lunch I run down to the bank to deposit some cash(in uniform). I get stopped walking into the bank.(navy federal) and get told I am not allowed to go into a civilian location in working uniform. I go back to my ship and no kidding…. you are not allowed to wear your working uniform anywhere but to military locations. If stopping to get a soda at the local 7-11 you can’t do it in “working” uniform. “Dress” uniform perfectly allowed though.
Thanks, Larry L. Makes perfect sense. In that special military way.
Original Post:
Since I was so pointed in my criticism of Time Magazine’s pornesque breastfeeding cover photo, I wanted to observe that this photo that showed up in Yahoo news this morning is just a plain old breastfeeding photo, nothing to get freaked out about. The mom with twins is not so discreet, which I don’t care for. I wouldn’t stick it on a billboard, any more than I’d post a mom doing wholesome mom things but wearing a dress or swim suit with similar amounts of cleavage showing.
(I would put that picture in a brochure for new mothers, which would be an appropriate place for a little technical instruction. I’ve noticed in the past that sometimes formula companies will issue “breastfeeding guides” in which the explanations and images of breastfeeding positions are so uncomfortable and impractical that if you tried them, you’d be sure to give up and switch to formula.)
–> Even for nursing in public, I am far more inclined to give a pass to the breastfeeding mom-o-twins than any of the other 10,000 utterly avoidable situations where women not feeding children decide to create a temptation for hungry babies everywhere. On that day when every other woman in the US manages to cover it up? We can have a talk with the moms of multiples about whether there’s a more discrete way to do the one thing those breasts were actually made to do.
Bad journalism in an effort to stir up controversy:
“Also forbidden while in uniform: eating, drinking, . . .”
Er . . . no. I imagine they meant to say something that was true. But they didn’t. Maybe, if I read the whole sentence and guess about how it’s punctuated, what they mean is “eating while walking” and “drinking while walking”. Maybe?
Anyhow, I’m not military and so my thoughts on what soldiers do in uniform counts for very little, except that sheesh, yes, mothers need to feed their children. If you’re going to have soldiers who are mothers of babies and toddlers, this is all part of the package.
Breastfeeding your baby is not some optional thing that ought to be saved for leisure hours. It’s the normal way of feeding a baby. It’s wonderful that safe, healthy alternatives exist for moms who can’t do it the usual way. But it would be mighty bizarre to insist that every mother do the artificial work-around to solve a non-existent problem, just because someone’s got it in their head that normal isn’t normal.